Civil services are the best option if you are thinking about higher education for physically challenged. Recently, Madras High Court came across the petition of an engineer who has been suffering from a neurological disorder which affects forearm, hand or fingers – Writer’s camp to utilize a scribe while appearing for civil service examinations. The scribe should be considered when the person is physically challenged. The division Bench of Justices Subramonium Prasad and S.Manikumar made the remark while placing of a writ request filed by P. Gokul Kaleeswaran. He has been searching for a direction to UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) to allow candidates suffering from condition like Writer’s Camp to use scribes since it was permitted in the conditions of visually challenged candidates.
AS candidates with such condition cannot write exam continuously for three hours, he argued that refusing scribes for those candidates will be almost like violating the Persons with Disabilities provisions (Full Participation, Protection of Rights and Equal Opportunities) Act of 1995 and also 2016 Right of Persons with Disabilities Act.
The division bench said that they would not grant permission favoring the candidate as the entire civil service associated matters comprising those experiencing pre-service issues like the examinations directed for recruitment. Mr. Kaleeswaran who has filed a case last year to seek scribe assistance for appearing in November 2017 UPSC exams is still in pending status.
As per the Civil Service Examination rules, blind candidates are allowed to seek assistance from scribe. If the candidate is writing the exam through scribe assistance, the scribe can write exams for the candidates. Scribe is not allowed for candidates with cerebral palsy and locomotor disability as writing is affected to overall slow performance of function. If there is any violation of rules seen, there are chances of cancellation of scribe facility. UPSC may take action to cancel the scribe. The candidate has to produce a valid certificate when they are assisted with a scribe for writing the exams.
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